Boruch Hashem, our shul and community continue to grow, with daily minyanim, inspiring shiurim, and uplifting farbrengens that bring us together in Torah, tefillah, and achdus. Our shul is more than just a building—it’s a vibrant center of spiritual connection, learning, and chesed.
As we approach Parshas Shekalim, a time when Klal Yisrael came together to sustain the Beis HaMikdash, we are launching a crucial Bedek HaBayis campaign to cover the costs of our electricity and utilities. Keeping the lights on, the air conditioning running, and our essential appliances functioning ensures that our shul remains a welcoming and comfortable home for all.
We need your help to keep the lights on—both physically and spiritually. Every contribution, large or small, makes a difference.
Please partner with us in this mitzvah today by giving generously. May Hashem bless you with abundant bracha and hatzlacha.
Tizku L’mitzvos!
Rabbi Dovid Sochet, shlit'a, Mora D'Asra
Reb Harry Nelson, President
Ps. A Note from Yonah Bookstein:
I have the privilege of learning and davening at Kahal Chasidim with Rabbi Sochet daily. Kahal is a welcoming and devoted community, that reminds me of the kind of shteibel that drew me to chassidus 35 years ago. Rabbi Sochet is a kind and caring Rov with an encyclopedic knowledge of chassidus, torah and halacha. Ask him about an obscure chasidic sefer, and not only is he usually familiar with it, he can tell you stories about the author. Rabbi Sochet teaches every day after davening, Friday night at the Tish, Shabbos morning before davening, at Kiddush, 3rd meal, at the Melava Malka, and Mon-Thu nights. He's a constant fountain of Torah, avodah and emuna and works tirelessly to help Jews in need. Do yourself a favor, and support this shul, bc the merit that you will receive will be many times whatever amount you donate.