An Oasis Of Heimishkeit And
Warmth In Pico
Kahal Chasidim She’aris Yaakov is an active Chassidish shteibel with learning, davening, and weekly events, helping every Jew in their growth and avodas Hashem. Please join us for davening and experience the warmth for yourself!
We recently underwent the first part of a major renovation and expansion, more than doubling the size of our Beis Midrash. Phase two, which has just begun, includes the building of a mikvah for men and a keilim mikva.
Mora D'Asra
Rabbi Dovid Yehoshua
HaRav Dovid Yeshoshua Sochet Shlit”a, the founder and spiritual leader of Kahal Chasidim She’aris Yaakov, is the son of the Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe from Givat Ze’ev. The Rav is known for his warmth, prodigious Torah knowledge, and caring for every Jew. In addition to leading and operating the shul, the Rav is a certified Mohel, and a sought-after consultant for major kashrus agencies. Rebbetzin Sochet is descended from the Nadvorna dynasty. Both Rov and Rebbetzin Sochet are descended from the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of the Chassidic movement. The Rov and Rebbetzin run an open home and their hachnasas orchim extends to all members of the community and beyond.
Spreading Torah And Mitzvos With Passion,
Positivity And Purpose.
Kahal Chasidim invites the Los Angeles community to be part of our newest expansion -- the building of a new community Mikva (including a Men's Mikva and a Keilim Mikva). Kahal Chasidim is so much more than just a shul - we are a community, a home, a haven, and a hub of inspiration, friendship, and growth for every Jew -- and our new mikvaos will reflect that, welcoming the entire Los Angeles community. We have now completed our Beis Medrash expansion (thanks to everyone who participated in that Campaign) and are about to build a mikva for men and a keilim mikva. Our opening coincides with the impending closure of the men's component of the community Mikva at Reeves and Pico (which is converting to be exclusively a women's Mikva). Kahal Chasidim is honored to fill the gap and provide a very needed Men's Mikva and Keilim Mikva in the heart of the neighborhood.
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